Coachella Land for Sale; New Listing. $1,300,000. Two contiguous 5.5 acre parcels for a total of 11 acres located at Ave. 51 and Calhoun St. in Coachella, CA. Very unusual offering here in the Coachella Valley. 51245 Calhoun/51317 Calhoun are the addresses of these 2 parcels, and there is direct access to the property from Calhoun St. If you are looking to buy or sell a home, land or equestrian property in the Coachella Valley, give Kim Kelly a call at 760-285-3578.
Currently zoned EDR, Estate Density Residential, and the views are gorgeous of the Western mountains, so it would be a perfect setting for a large estate. The great news is that these parcels are in Indio’s sphere of influence, and the annexation application has been submitted. With Riverside County’s LAFCO approval, proposed zoning changes will be for RE, residential estate, which allows for 0-2 du/acre, so with 2 homes/acre, it might be a great investment! This new zoning change will not happen until approval, but at least the process has begun.
There is an ag water on site; it was permitted in 2008. There is a sewer line and water line
in Avenue 51, approx. 1300 ft. from this property. Electricity is to site. Give me a call if you’d like more information, and just take a drive by and see this property for yourself!