Desert International Horse Park update: The hunters and jumpers are back in town for the end of 2024 and the 2025 season. We all know the showgrounds have had alot of money put into them over the past several years, improving the footing in the arenas, landscape, just lots of beautiful amenities for the participants. It has worked tremendously as people from all over the valley come to watch the horses and their humans at the Desert Horse Park each weekend. If you are here in town, looking to buy or sell a property, give Kim Kelly a call at 760-285-3578.
There is a new horseshow development in the works. All us equestrians here in the Coachella Valley, heard about the 619 acre purchase on 62/Hwy 86, and the plans to develop a new showground facility. I reached out to the Riverside County Planning dept. to try to get a more accurate timeline. I was told that the property is still with the Planning dept., and they said hopeful for 2025. So, pretty vague, but it is in planning! KESQ did this article in July of 2023, and there is a draft of the plans for the new horse park. Reminds me of Palm Beach, Florida.
I have this incredible listing at Rancho Santana, which is one of the gated, low HOA communities, favored by the polo and horseshow set in the Coachella Valley. It will be available to tour 11/9. Listed at $2,499,000.